Building for health centred, net zero aligned Food Systems Transformation - A Living Good Food Nation Lab


  • Prof Mary Brennan

    University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Project summary

A seminal moment in Scottish Food Policy, the new Good Food Nation (GFN) Act (became law on 26th July 2022, expected to formally commence Spring 2023) has been hailed as a ground breaking, progressive attempt at transformational food systems legislation, providing the statutory and policy conditions, and independent scrutiny mechanisms, required to drive forward health centred, net zero aligned food systems transformation in Scotland. Using an innovative "Food Systems Living Lab" model with 4 interconnecting units, this proposed transdisciplinary consortia of academic and policy partners (including the Scottish Government), cultivated during the GFN Bill process, will work to build connections between, and skills across, the Scottish food systems transformation community, provide essential analytical support to relevant authorities, advise on the effective delivery of the GFN Act, and showcase the value and importance of innovative metrics and partnerships in delivering health centred, net zero aligned food systems transformation. It will foster a skilled, agile, diverse community of practice, establish a basket of valid, easy to understand and far reaching indicators of progress and uncover the barriers to, and enablers of, positive health centred, net zero aligned food systems transformation. Key Words: Food, Systems, Transformation, Community of Practice, Health, Net Zero, Policy