Born in Bradford: Age of Wonder


  • Prof John Wright

    Bradford Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom

  • Prof Jane West

    Bradford Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom

  • Prof Rosemary McEachan

    Bradford Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom

  • Prof Simon Gilbody

    University of York, United Kingdom

  • Dr Sufyan Dogra

    Bradford Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom

  • Prof Kate Pickett

    University of York, United Kingdom

  • Prof Mark Mon-Williams

    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

  • Dr Dan Mason

    Bradford Institute for Health Research, United Kingdom

  • Prof Atif Rahman

    University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

  • Prof Deborah Lawlor

    University of Bristol, United Kingdom

Project summary

Born in Bradford (BiB) has followed 13,786 Young People (YP) from birth as they grow up in a multi-ethnic and poor city. BiB has collected lots of information to help understand how to improve health and wellbeing, and has produced important results relevant world-wide. We want to continue to follow BiB children from the start of secondary school until age 21, and expand our study to include other YP in Bradford secondary schools (up to 30,000YP). With YP we will collect information about mental and physical health, behaviours, environments, and education; things that all play a part in health and the risk of developing diseases. YP will help collect and analyse data, building their scientific skills. Moving from childhood to adulthood is a key stage that can shape future mental and physical health, and opportunities. Understanding it better in partnership with YP means we can work towards a better future.