Transfer your grant to a new organisation

This form is for grantholders wanting to change the organisation that administers their grant.

All fields are mandatory.

Is your grant jointly funded by Wellcome and another organisation?

If your grant is a fellowship, you will need to upload four letters of support agreeing to the transfer from the following people:

  • head of department at your current organisation
  • head of department at your proposed organisation
  • sponsor or supervisor at your current organisation
  • sponsor or supervisor at your proposed organisation.

If your head of department is also your sponsor or supervisor, you only need to upload one letter from them rather than two.

If your salary is going to increase due to a promotion or regrading, you will also need to upload a letter from the research office at the proposed organisation confirming:

  • your proposed salary, including a breakdown of costs, for example basic salary, employer’s contributions and pension scheme costs
  • that the organisation’s standard process was followed for determining the salary.

If your grant is not a fellowship, you will need to upload two letters of support agreeing to your transfer from the following people:

Upload two letters of support agreeing to your transfer from the following people:

  • head of department at your current organisation
  • head of department at your proposed organisation.
  • You can upload .doc, .pdf, .zip, text or image files.
  • The maximum file size for each uploaded item is 3MB.
  • You can upload up to 10 separate files.

You have 0 files uploaded.

For example 012345/Z/19/Z

Use the format dd/mm/yyyy

Does your project use non-human primates, cats, dogs or equidae?
Do you need to change the currency in which we award your grant?
Current organisation has been notified