Funded people and projects

Find out about the people and projects we've funded, and the latest grant funding data.

We fund transformative research, from discovery to impact, across fields and disciplines, focussing where our experience, expertise and influence can make a real difference.

Awarded grants 

Annual grant funding data  

We publish summaries of our grant funding data every year to show how we spend our money and to measure progress towards our commitment to ensuring the people we fund are more representative of the global population.

This is based on analysis of our data from our previous grant system and values may differ slightly to the grant data available for download.

Find Wellcome grant data on other websites 

We make data about our grant funding available in the following places so that our funding can be compared to that of other funders in the UK and internationally.

Wellcome does not validate any analysis, coding or use of our data that we provide for use through these external websites. The external organisations below should be contacted for further details about how they use Wellcome’s data in these tools. Please see what we publish on for data and analysis validated by Wellcome.

Directed funding 

Directed funding is our way of tackling important research challenges that require a more sizeable focus – like how we increase our understanding of genome biology, or create reference maps of all human cells.

Read more about our major partnerships, research platforms, centres and initiatives across the world. ​

Research stories 

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