Biomedical Vacation Scholarships

These awards provide promising undergraduates with hands-on experience of research during the summer holidays, with the aim of encouraging them to consider a career in research.

Scheme at a glance 

Lead applicant career stage:
Administering organisation location:
Funding amount:

Salary at the real Living Wage

Funding duration:

6 to 8 weeks

Not accepted

Eligibility and suitability 

What we offer 

How to apply 

More information 

Before February 2019, students who wanted to do a Biomedical Vacation Scholarship submitted their application forms to Wellcome. From 2021, students will apply direct to one of the universities that run our Biomedical Vacation Scholarships.

We're changing how we award Biomedical Vacation Scholarships because we're hoping to provide more opportunities for students from underrepresented groups.


Develop your research career 

Find out how else we support undergraduates.